Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 (NKJV)
Words.  We choose just the right ones to express our sentiments in cards.  We try to find descriptive language to convey meaning so that another person can visualize a scene the same way we see it. Words express love and joy, compassion and encouragement.

You might say we are overwhelmed by words in this age. Email and text messages invade our space continuously.  Social media keeps everyone connected, with words. It can be a bit much. I've been reminded this week, once again, that it is immensely important to take breaks, to breathe, to just be. Quiet and still.

Words express wonderful, positive things; but when said with a certain tone, or placed in a certain order, or used with such an intent, they can express the ugliest and most damaging sentiments as well. This week ranks up there as one of the most challenging weeks I have had.  It probably won't seem as bad once some time passes and it is no longer the scenery of the present, but right now, it is exhausting.  It is always surprising to me when things are extremely ...busy, tense, challenging... I notice the smallest whispers of grace.  Perhaps it is because I am broken enough to stop trying to rely on my own strength, because my own strength is depleted.

This week, that whisper came loud and clear on Tuesday morning.  The sound of it has been resonating throughout my world ever since.  The verse of the day that appeared on my phone app that morning could not have come at a better time.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. ~Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

Monday had been exceptionally challenging.  It seemed that I was facing an attack every way I turned.  The attacks that affected me most were with the weapons of words.  It made me think about the placement of words together in sentences and sentiments, and about the choice of one word over another.  Often we speak without much preplanning of the make up of the sentences that will convey our thoughts. When we write, at least a little bit more forethought is utilized. When our emotions are involved, however, it seems one of two things happens. Either we toss what little bit of thinking  out the window, or we magnify our thinking, very carefully choosing our words in order to cut right into our adversary.  When we are attacked with words, it seems the natural reaction is to return the attack, blow for blow.  Maybe not right away, but in our attempts to defend ourselves, we often retaliate with jabs of our own.

Following my Monday of being battered down by the words of others, I think I was fortunate that my strength was so sapped that I was willing to listen.  As a result, Tuesday morning, as I prepared for my day, I was reminded very clearly to use my words for good.  I was reminded that it is my responsibility to build others up.  This is not contingent upon them returning the deed. It is my purpose to be a living, breathing expression of His love and grace.

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    While sitting in church today, I was struck by the end of the verse, Matthew 22:37. I've heard it over and over, but never felt it like this morning. I love the Lord, with all my heart and soul...but what does it mean to love Him with all my mind as well? This blog will be of my journey to that end.

    I'm a happily married girl in my forties with a very busy and stressful full-time job. I'm working to find the happy balance in my life and avoid a full-blown mid-life crisis :)


    January 2014

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