On Thursday evenings, we participate in a wonderful home Bible study.  I think our teacher is just the greatest ever (it's my husband). This year, we are studying Mark. Last night, we discussed the story of Jairus' daughter and the woman who was healed in chapter 5.  My husband pointed out how these two miracles are actually one story; or a story within a story.  Jairus certainly went seeking Jesus because he had faith, complete faith, that Jesus could heal his daughter.  Along the way back to his house, Jesus felt power leave him as his garment was touched.  He stopped to address the woman who had been afflicted for twelve years and was now instantly healed.  He asked her to share her testimony (a truthful accounting of events) with the very large crowd, including Jairus.  Her faith had healed her.

Just after she finished her accounting, Jairus' friends caught up with them, only to tell Jairus that his twelve year old daughter had died.  They said, "Don't bother the Teacher anymore." Basically, it's no use, she's already dead.  But Jesus responded, "Keep on believing."  He had just demonstrated once again His power of restoration, and he asked Jairus to still have faith.
And he did.

When they reached the house, they found wailing and mourning in full progress.  Jesus, however, went in to where the little girl was laid and called to her saying, "Arise."
And she did.

Faith, complete faith, allows us to receive His power.

While at our study, I noticed a new plaque on the wall (pictured in this post).  I was directed to next week's meditation verse: Proverbs 3:5.

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    While sitting in church today, I was struck by the end of the verse, Matthew 22:37. I've heard it over and over, but never felt it like this morning. I love the Lord, with all my heart and soul...but what does it mean to love Him with all my mind as well? This blog will be of my journey to that end.

    I'm a happily married girl in my forties with a very busy and stressful full-time job. I'm working to find the happy balance in my life and avoid a full-blown mid-life crisis :)


    January 2014

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