A few years ago I decided to start writing a book. I didn't get very far, life took over, as it does. In thinking of my drafts, I realized that the same promptings for that writing, have prompted this blog.  Below is the "introduction" I had drafted.  My last post, "Calm Down," was the beginning of the first chapter.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased and I know how to abound.  Everywhere and in all things I learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. -- Philippians 4:11-13

Remember when you had all sorts of dreams about how your life would be?  For me that started about 35 years ago.  As a young girl, I had it all figured out!  My dreams and plans changed often, as I would learn new things, but they always ended with a “happily ever after.”  Thanks to my wonderful parents, I never had any doubts about my dreams coming true.  I always felt I could and would become anything I wanted to be.  Even as I moved into later teen years and early adulthood, I never doubted that I would find “success.”

So, am I ending this book before beginning?  Am I about to tell you that I’ve always been content and all you have to do is dream? Not hardly!  I’ll share a little bit about myself as we go, and you will quickly find that the road to contentment is a one long traveled by me.  

My parents got married right out of college and shortly thereafter started a family.  I have been blessed beyond measure by being allowed to witness their love for one another and to be the recipient of their never-ending, unconditional love for me.  The only problem with their marriage is that they set such a high standard that I was completely unwilling to settle for anything less than pure bliss (if you can call that a problem).  My parents never fought.  Really. Never.  They modeled for me a perfect example of how two decidedly different people could work together to create a beautiful life as one through love.  THAT is what I wanted!  But . . . I also expected that I would follow in their footsteps and marry in my early 20s . . .That wasn’t the plan for my life.

In my little girl dreams, I imagined getting married in my early 20s.  Shortly after getting married, I would have a baby and start my stay-at-home-mom life.  My house would be clean and tidy.  I would be neat and petite, trim and lean.  I would have a home cooked meal on the table for dinner every night.  My kids would adore me (at least until they were teenagers).  I would be involved at their schools--baking, crafting, whatever.  We’d play outside in the evenings in our nicely manicured lawn, surrounded by fully weeded flower beds.  Whatever my husband needed, I would have for him.  I’d never lose my temper or feel sad.  In the summer, we’d vacation with family and enjoy the “get-away” time.

Yeah, uh, that is a far cry from my reality!  I didn’t get married until I was 32, I didn’t even MEET my husband until I was 27.  Instead of babies, I had stepkids --- that were 12 and 16 when we married (remember I said at least until they were teens . . . ). I work full-time rather than staying at home (ok, so I AM a teacher . . .I do get a lot of time at home, but still!). I get to go visit my family, but I moved to the other side of the country as an adult, so it’s not easy. And, yes, I lose my temper sometimes and I get sad sometimes.  But before you think I’m complaining, let me point out that I have a wonderful life.  I just want to say it isn’t all how I dreamed it would be.

I’ve been thinking a lot about being content lately and just what exactly that means.

One simple dictionary definition for the word content is: satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.  This seems rather straight forward.  But then, what is satisfied?  How do we reach that state?  Where is the balance between being content and being complacent?   I would conjecture that being content includes being at peace.  That is where the spiritual aspect enters.  Since one cannot be content without being at peace, you will not be able to remain content apart from God.  Growing in your relationship and reliance on Him will be our logic first step.

One of the key things I have learned is that contentment is not a final destination.  I will not give you the key that unlocks the content room, where you can stay and be content forever and ever – day in and day out.  I do hope, however, to give you some directions and road signs to help you along your journey.  Won’t you join me along the path towards being content?

Throughout these pages, we will look at scripture to see how we can apply it in our lives as we journey.  Through prayer and purposeful study, I hope you find the road of your life’s journey and the road towards contentment become the very same path.

C – Calm Down
O – Open Your Heart
N – Name Your Blessings
T – Talk it Out
E – Enjoy the Details
N – Near to God
T – Take Action

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    While sitting in church today, I was struck by the end of the verse, Matthew 22:37. I've heard it over and over, but never felt it like this morning. I love the Lord, with all my heart and soul...but what does it mean to love Him with all my mind as well? This blog will be of my journey to that end.

    I'm a happily married girl in my forties with a very busy and stressful full-time job. I'm working to find the happy balance in my life and avoid a full-blown mid-life crisis :)


    January 2014

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