Acts 17:11 (KJV)

11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

My husband shared this verse with me when I began writing two weeks ago.  It had occurred to him to share it specifically because of the phrase "with all readiness of mind."  This particular wording is found in the King James Version, and also in my Latin Vulgate (which was my wonderful birthday present from him this year).  In other translations, the phrase can be read as (great, all) eagerness, or just readiness (without the words "of mind").  I wrote down the reference and I've revisited it a few times over these two weeks.

How much more can we be encouraged to search the Scriptures daily, to use our minds for discerning His truth?  Wouldn't you like to be included in the portion considered "more noble?" I would.  My brother was going to give my nephew the middle name, Noble, because of the strength of that word.  I cannot think of anything negative associated with the word noble. Everything about it is good.  I would certainly want to be considered noble, if given the chance. (Incidentally, my nephew was born on my maternal grandfather's birthday, so he earned Grandpa's surname as his middle name instead.  This, I think, was a noble decision on the part of my brother and sister-in-law.)

So, we are to receive the Word.  Accept, take in as a gift, partake. And we are to do so with all readiness of mind.  This isn't a venture that we are to go into lightly, it requires preparation.  I would suggest that praying for a receptive heart and mind would be part of this preparation.  We are also exhorted to search, many translations say examine, the Scriptures to validate that the words we hear are true.  AND we are to do so daily.

One little sentence with so much weight.  My interpretation: Prepare your mind, then read and study God's Word every day.  Compare what others say or preach to what you have learned in His Word. 

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    While sitting in church today, I was struck by the end of the verse, Matthew 22:37. I've heard it over and over, but never felt it like this morning. I love the Lord, with all my heart and soul...but what does it mean to love Him with all my mind as well? This blog will be of my journey to that end.

    I'm a happily married girl in my forties with a very busy and stressful full-time job. I'm working to find the happy balance in my life and avoid a full-blown mid-life crisis :)


    January 2014

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